Saturday, September 15, 2007

Encounter on the Road to Emmaus

Luke 24: 13-35

(I)The Retreat of the Two Disciples (24:13-24)

(A)The Conversation While in Retreat (13-15a)

1) Their conversation was woefully inadequate and their deliberations impotent because' they had been indifferent to the Word and as a result, they were ignorant of its truth.

2) Aren’t we often just like this? We just being together to talk, share our experiences and ideas for the purpose of comforting one another cannot truly answer the main problems and questions of life or give us peace.

3) Rather, it sould be founded on the Word of God and fellowship with the Savior.

(B)The Condition and Need of the Two Disciples (16-24)

1)The Condition of their Sight—a Problem of Perception (16)

Point: Their problem was one of perception: But what is perception? It is the ability to see below the surface and to understand what is not evident to the average mind. It means the ability to realize what is true. Even though He was standing in their presence, they were unable to perceive His presence.

Application: Christ is not in the grave. He is risen, but even as the risen Lord who has ascended, He is still never remote to us though we may not be relating to His love and presence. He is always near and interested in us. He is always there, but do we perceive His presence?

2)The Nature of their Speech—a Problem of Comprehension (17-24)

Point: Their problem was one of comprehension. Comprehension means an understanding of an object or subject of thought in its entire compass and extent. They lacked insight into Christ’s presence because they lacked comprehension of the person and work of Christ and its meaning to life.

Application: Are we truly comprehending the meaning of the person and work of Christ, past, present, and future with all its implications? And are we living by faith in the light of what that means to us so that it impacts our hearts, minds, our faces, conversations, and actions?

(II)The Results in the Two Disciples (24:31-35)

(A)Transformation of their Sight--Perception (31)

In verse 31 we see the power of the Word to give light and spiritual sight. Suddenly they were able to perceive that this new companion and fellow traveler was the none other than the Lord Himself and they began to perceive and experience the reality of His presence.

(B)The Transformation of their Speech--Comprehension (vs. 32)

The three things they learned:

1) Who was speaking with them? The Christ of the cross? Yes, but more. It was Christ who had now entered His glorified state and body. One might fear remoteness, that He would be less human, less sympathetic with our needs and condition. But no! In His coming to them in their need and distress, even in their retreat, we learn a wonderful lesson, the lesson of His availability, of His pursuit of and sympathy with us as our kindred, as one made like unto His brethren. It showed He is our faithful High Priest who is intimately interested in us and interceding for us (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 2:17-18; 4:14-16).

2) They said “He was explaining (lit. was opening) to us the Scriptures.” As mentioned previously, we might think that the exalted Lord would be independent of the Scripture, but not so. Certainly, the priority and importance of the Bible is seen in the Savior’s actions in this passage. Truly, this is a token or mark of the Bible’s authority and indispensability.

3) Using sound principles of careful Bible study, we must study to know the facts of Scripture; our faith stands and acts on those facts, but never apart from intimacy with the living Christ. So often, rather than intimacy with Christ, we find ourselves studying to prove our point and prove someone else wrong. We need to check our motives.

(C)The Transformation of their Stand for Christ--Action (33-35)

1) Restoration (v. 33a) “They arose” points to a decisive act which demonstrated their restored spiritual condition.

2) Association (v. 33b) They returned and began to relate, minister, and enjoy the fellowship of other believers. This is such an important ingredient of our life as believers for support, growth, encouragement, direction, and motivation.

3) Attestation (v. 34) These men with the others began giving testimony to the risen Savior.

4) Explanation (v. 35) They were explaining what had happened to them and what He had taught them—passing on the good news and the Word for the benefit of others.

Are we open to the Word and God’s plan for learning and interacting with the living Christ? Are we allowing Bible study to be a personal encounter with the living Savior? He personally:

>walks with us in our daily path,
>talks with us through His Word and with whom we can talk through prayer,
>opens our minds to understand and respond to His Word,
>is with us and concerned about us and our every step,
>provides for us regardless of what life may bring, and
>who has left us here to, in the power of His gift, the Holy Spirit, go forth, teach others about Him.

by:J. Hampton Keathley, III , Th.M. "Christ Our Companion".

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Saint Patrick Breastplate Prayer

Christ behind me.
Christ before me.
Christ beside me.
Christ between us.
Christ beneath me.
Christ above me.
Christ within me.

(The following meditation on St. Patrick's prayer was written by Reverend Ian Cowie of the Scotthish Center of Healing, Edinburgh, Scotland.)

Christ behind me. In the past, all that has been good is in His keeping. I need no regrets, no mementoes. I can let go of all that was good, knowing that it is precious to Him. Give thanks to God for all His goodness.
All that was bad, hurtful, shameful, I consign into the depths of His mercy. All the hurt which I have caused, all the hurt which others have caused me, I lay at the foot of His cross. May the Lord have mercy on us all.

Christ before me. He is the way, stretching before me, from where I am now from this actual situation I am in, right home to our Father’s house. He is the Way, the Way prepared. He has gone ahead into tomorrow to make it ready. The future is a journey home. Through all the dark valleys He will guide and He will provide times when my cup of happiness will overflow. I face the future knowing the Way.

Christ beside me. “I am with you always.” He is in this situation, sharing it with me now. His strong shoulder is under the burden I carry. Every joy and every sorrow He shares with me. He will not fail me, nor forsake me. Nothing can separate me from His love.

Christ between us. To sever and to reconcile, to shield from the sin in one another. To bless all that is good and true. To cleanse from pride, possessiveness, lust. To give laughter, tears, understanding and peace.

Christ beneath me. Underneath are the everlasting arms, cherishing, upholding. When I fall, it is into His arms that I fall. And He will lift me up again. His strength undergirds my weakness.

Christ above me. As a hen gathers her chicks so His love is spread over me, comforting me, shielding me. I claim His protection from all attack and oppression. Under the shadow of His wings I am safe. And in Him I will trust.

Christ within me. I live, yet not I, but Christ within me. My body is Christ’s body, bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh. By the bread broken and the wine poured out, I know that You, Lord, are in me and I in You. You will accomplish the work that You have for me to do, and Your grace is sufficient for me.

Christ behind me in the past, before me in the future, beside me in the present, beneath me to support me, above me to shield me, within me filling my life. Thus enfolded, armed and led, I go forth in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, September 7, 2007






